This information below has been collated by Bronwen Mehta (she/her). Bronwen is a University of Warwick PhD student studying feminist activism in the Middle East, she teaches International Relations, and is a member of the Warwick Stands With Palestine coalition and the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies Committee on Academic Freedom.
Bronwen will be speaking at Queens Heath Pride on Sun 23rd June, 2024.
Queer people around the world have been standing up in solidarity with Palestinians as they face ethnic cleansing and genocide. Here are some resources to help you understand why, and to situate this moment in time within the overlapping struggles for queer and Palestinian liberation. They explore issues of Israeli pinkwashing, its links to imperialism and empire, as well as what it means to be queer and Palestinian.
These resources predominantly come from Palestinian and Jewish queer people themselves and range from academic pieces to more accessible ones and there is a list of Instagram accounts to follow at the end for those of you that prefer information in social media form. Pick whatever format works for you, and remember no one is free until we are all free!
- Elias Jahshan (2023), Pinkwashing: A hidden form of violence against queer Palestinians, Raseef
- Sarah Schulman (2011), Israel and ‘Pinkwashing’, The New York Times
- Al Qaws, (2020), Beyond Propaganda: Pinkwashing as Colonial Violence
- Nelly Bassily (2017), From Pinkwashing to Pinkwatching: Palestinian Queer Resistance – interview with Haneen Maikey, Medium.
- Emma Graham-Harrison (2024), ‘No pride in occupation’: queer Palestinians on ‘pink-washing’ in Gaza conflict, The Guardian
- Ghadir Shafie (2015) Pinkwashing: Israel’s International Strategy and Internal Agenda, Kohl, 1:1, 83 – 86
- Jasbir Puar and Maya Mikdashi (2012), Pinkwatching And Pinkwashing: Interpenetration and its Discontents, Jadaliyya
- Nada Elia (2012) Gay Rights with a Side of Apartheid, Settler Colonial Studies, 2:2, 49-68
- Jasbir Puar (2013) Rethinking Homonationalism, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 45:2, 336-339
- Sarah Schulman (2012), Israel/Palestine and the Queer International
- Hila Amit (2019), A Queer Way Out: The Politics of Queer Emigration from Israel
- Sa’ed Atshan (2020), Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique
- Haneen Maikey and Mikki Stelder (2015), ‘Dismantling the Pink Door in the Apartheid Wall: Towards a Decolonized Palestinian Queer Politics’, in The Global Trajectories of Queerness, edited by Ashley Tellis and Sruti Bala
- Marwan Kaabour (2024), The Queer Arab Glossary – (Particularly Adam HajYahya’s ‘Are you a Pan-Arab Nationalist or just a man who sleeps with men’)
- Elias Jahshan (2022), This Arab is Queer
- Queers for Palestine & The Power of Pinkwashing – Matt Bernstein & Moe Dabbagh
- The Queer Palestinian experience ft. Moody – Queer Collective Podcast, Mahmoud Shabeeb (Moody)
- Meet an openly gay Gazan-American – Moe Dabbagh, Afeef Nessouli, Openly News
- Queer activism, intersectional feminism and national struggles in Palestine – Ghadir Shafie, IEMed Barcelona
- Queer Feminism in Palestine– Walaa Alqaisiya, Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs
- Palestine as a Queer Struggle – US campaign for Palestinian Rights
- Queer Anti Colonial Struggle from the US to Palestine – Al Qaws
- Liberation in Palestine, A Queer Issue – Haneen Maikey – Al Qaws
- Dissecting Israeli Pinkwashing and PR Campaigns – CODEPINK Radio & Rami Kablawi (Spotify link)
- Sa’ed Atshan, “Queer Palestine and the Empire of Critique” – New Books in Critical Theory (Spotify link)
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